A message from Miss Jo...

Hello and Welcome!
Inspire Academy of Dance was founded in 2011 with the goal of offering dance classes to everyone who wanted to dance, whatever the reason. Whether due to a love of dancing, a desire to get fit, an opportunity to make friends or to become a professional dancer. The love, joy and energy that our dancers bring to classes each week is special.
We offer classes in many genres and for all ages. We want to get as many people dancing as possible.
Dance gave me so much passion, focus and happiness as a child. This is something I want everyone to have the opportunity to experience.
Inspire has professional, supportive and qualified dance teachers who ensure everyone achieves their personal goals.
We hope you come along to trial our classes and join the Inspire family.
Contact us at office@inspireacademyofdance.co.uk to find out more information.
Dancing wishes,
Miss Jo